Cale School Garden

Flowers, fruit and vegetables grown by the students at Paul H. Cale Elementary School.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September Garden News!

Here we are almost half way through September already.  It's my favorite time of year. . . until about mid-March.  Then, that's my favorite time of year.  You'll never hear me say that February or August are my favorite times of year, though.  Sorry, I think the weather has me giddy.  Anyway, no pictures this time as I'm still blowing the sand out of the camera from the beach a couple weeks ago.  I'll have that fixed up by next week.  So. . .

We've started the fall Garden Club off with a bang.  Despite last weeks weather we got a lot done in terms of planning.  Our fall Garden Party is coming up on Saturday, October 6th.   We made a list of things we need to get done before then from cleaning up the summer weeds and weeding the flower bed, to growing some micro-greens indoors and writing a thank you note to our friend Heather for donating the fence materials.  Did I say fence?  Indeed, the fence is done!  The gates aren't installed yet, but we'll get to that, too.

This week, we just got a lot of work done.  We pretty much ravaged 1/4 of the garden, pulling out weeds, old plants, roots, rocks.  To watch it happen was like some sort of plague. . . the swarm of school kids descends on the waist high weeds and when they move away a few minutes later. . . bare ground!

So, I'll just put this out there and see what happens.  There are a lot of us in garden club this year.  We have enough tools for just over a dozen kids, and some of those are getting a bit ragged and starting to fall apart.  If anyone parents or other adults have any tools (hand tools mostly, but we can certainly use some hoes as well) they'd like to lend us for the fall, it would be greatly appreciated.  If you do, could you label them with your name and drop them off at my room (E-101, sort of the back corner of the school on the bottom floor of the new wing) when you're around school.  I think that'd be better than trying to get them to school on the bus.  I'm pretty sure that carrying garden tools is frowned upon by bus drivers. Thanks so much!

I mentioned the pot luck Garden Party a second ago.  As I said, it will be on Saturday, October 6th.  I can't remember if I told Ms. Scholl a time yet, so let's say we start gathering at the picnic tables by the garden in the field at 11:30.  I'll have my canopy up and and tables available for all kinds of great food. Please bring chairs or a blanket to sit on, a dish to share, and perhaps a frisbee or something to toss around in the beautiful fall weather.  I hope to see everyone there.

Have a great week!

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