Cale School Garden

Flowers, fruit and vegetables grown by the students at Paul H. Cale Elementary School.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rainy Days

I've kind of challenged myself to not cancel Garden Club for the weather.  So far, I've done okay with that.  In the past, when I've canceled, I've spent so much time figuring out how to get everyone home, I might as well have just had Garden Club.  Sure, everyone is a tad bit more energetic after being cooped up inside all day, and it can get a bit loud with 25+ kids in one room, but it's fun nonetheless.

So, today we got a couple of things done.  We made the letters for a giant thank you note.  Pictures of the full note and an explanation will come next week, as long as the weather cooperates.  

We also started our first tray on micro-greens.  Last year, Phil and Deirdre Armstrong, our friends from Harvest Thyme Herbs, donated a book to the club about how to grow them.  They're a great indoor crop that we can tend even when the weather is bad.  This tray is a batch of radishes, beets, lettuces, and nasturtiums.  We'll let them get an inch or so tall and cut them for a salad.  Thank you Phil and Deirdre!

Lastly, my student Claire has hatched some guinea fowl eggs.  Three of the chicks took up residence in my room right after club ended today.  I think they'll probably be joined by a few more later this week.  They'll stay until the end of the week, when I'll take them home.  I'm hoping they eat enough ticks come spring that Mrs. Rough and my dogs won't get any more tick diseases next summer.  We'll see.   If anyone wants to come visit them, you're most welcome to come in the mornings before class starts.  Just note, we're going to make a conscious effort to be extra quiet and calm so we don't freak them (The chicks, that is. I think the kids will be freaked out by being calm and quiet.) out over this week. 

So yes, the weather is terrible.  But I got to spend an hour hanging out with my friends, Mr. Ferg and Mr. V, and a great bunch of kids.  What could be better?

I think Liam was getting a little annoyed with me.

Mr. V's posse

Note the pen for the guinea fowl chicks that will live
in the classroom for the rest of this week.


How did I survive last year with these two?!?

Take my picture, please!

When's snack?  I'm so hungry I could eat this red marker.

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