Cale School Garden

Flowers, fruit and vegetables grown by the students at Paul H. Cale Elementary School.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In the garden this week. . .

Hey Everyone!

I had a nice morning yesterday watering and weeding. The weeds are a bit out of control, but that probably saved us with me being in and out of town over the past few weeks. They hold a lot of water in the ground. I'm done my adventures for a while so I'll be around quite a bit more (I'm going camping this weekend. but that's it). Actually, I'll be at school tomorrow morning from 9 - noon if anyone wants to join me. I did notice that folks have been there. Fantastic! Please continue to feel free to come on out and lend a hand. I refilled the water barrel yesterday morning, so that's available for use as well.

If you're looking for the hose, it's in my truck. With all the cleaning in the school, it took me a while to find it yesterday. It's now safely back with us. At some point we're going to need to talk about how we can store all of our stuff in a secure way, but still have access for folks that need to use it.

Thanks to the mystery tool donator. The hand tools and hoe will be a great help in dealing with these weeds. They're in the bucket in our cold frame for now. Just a reminder, when weeding, if you get a lot of the root out of the ground, the weeds will have less of a chance of coming back.

I've managed to get some donations that will really look great. My parents have moved across town and given us a bird bath, a compost turner and a large circular piece of slate. I have kind of an idea for putting it all together. One day we'll all need to sit down and write a book about how to build a garden with donations and no money. It's amazing to me what people are willing to do and give for something in which they believe. . . not just my parents, but all of you folks that have given time and labor and brought donations and ideas. The kids and I are in your debt.

Also, a big thanks to Mr. Guerin for the logs. They're great for seating.

Finally, on the last day of school one of my students, Olivia, gifted me with a beautiful stepping stone saying "Welcome to Mr. Rough's Garden." It's wonderful! We took a few minutes to place it during recess on the last day of school. Remember though, the garden belongs to ALL of us.

Over the next few weeks I'm planning on finishing our fence, weeding, installing posts for our sign, planting some new seeds in the lettuce, spinich and pea rows (they don't do well in this heat), weeding, installing a compost turner and then maybe a little weeding. As I've said, I'll be there at least every Wednesday if you'd like to join me! If you're not available during the week and would like to meet up on a weekend, just send me an email. I can make that work (except this weekend, camping). I hope to see you out there, soon!

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