It's almost time to bid adieu for this school year. We were looking at the calendar at the end of Garden Club this afternoon and realized there are only four more meetings for this year.
A Calendar
I've set up a Google Calendar for the Garden Club. I'll add events like our Garden Parties, planting dates and other stuff. However, the main reason it's there is for YOU to sign up to help in the garden over the summer. Neither Mr. V nor myself can put as much time as we'd like into the garden this summer and could really use some help.
Ideally, families could adopt the garden for a weekend or week, taking care of weeding (the biggest job) and watering (hopefully it won't be a big job depending on the weather, but I'll keep the water barrel full and the watering cans available) and helping themselves to anything that is ready.
The Future
I'll be putting up a chalk board on the fence next to the garden entrance. Feel free to leave messages about what you've done, what still needs to be done, or what's ready to be picked. I'll leave messages as well. (Please feel free to clean up an inappropriate messages you find. I hope it won't be an issue, but "hope for the best, plan for the worst" seems a wise strategy.) It should be up by mid to late June.
One last thing, if anyone with a weed eater or small lawn mower would like to help out, I can't seem to convince Building Services that we need our grass cut. But we do! Any assistance with that would be tremendously appreciated.